Districts, Properties Added to National Register

Two apartment complexes, a bowling alley, an ice factory, a community house, and a historic residence have been added to the National Register of Historic Places. On the recommendation of the Mississippi National Register Review Board, the U.S. Department of the Interior has approved the addition of Gateway (Plaza) Lanes, Alcorn County; Carrollton Community House, Carroll County; Morris Ice Company, Hinds County; McElroy-Hoye House, Newton County; Lindsey Lawn Apartments Historic District, Yazoo County; and J.W. Woolwine Homes Historic District, Yazoo County.
Gateway (Plaza) Lanes is the first bowling alley in Mississippi to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Built in Corinth in 1960, the one-story commercial structure celebrated forty years of operation under its current owner this year. The building’s sixteen Brunswick lanes, restaurant, and front desk are all original.
The Carrollton Community House was constructed between 1935 and 1936 by the Works Progress Administration. The Rustic style, one-story structure was built with shortleaf native pine logs. Stone chimneys are at each end of the building. In 2000, the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (MDAH) designated the building a Mississippi Landmark, and it was renovated between 2002 and 2004.
The Morris Ice Company is one of the oldest industrial buildings in Jackson and one of the earliest ice factories in the region. Located on Commerce Street, the complex consists of three structures: the main building, built in 1924; the warehouse, built in 1929; and the storage and truck repair building, built in 1939. Founded by Joseph Morris in 1875, the Morris Ice Company moved to its current location following a 1923 fire. At its height, the Craftsman-style plant produced 300 tons of ice blocks a day. Plans are currently underway to renovate the main building.
Built circa 1871, the McElroy-Hoye House is the oldest house in Newton. The planter’s cottage is a fine example of Greek Revival and Italianate architecture. In 2009, the house was moved to its current location and renovated, with its original porch reconstructed from historic photographs. In 2018, the house reopened as an arts and cultural center.
Constructed in 1954, the J.W. Woolwine Homes Historic District in Yazoo City encompasses fourteen residential buildings and a community room. The Lindsey Lawn Apartments Historic District, built in 1952, features four residential buildings. The districts are the oldest public housing complexes in Yazoo County.
The National Register of Historic Places was established by Congress in 1966 to help identify and protect historically significant properties. National Register properties enrich our understanding of local, state, and national history by representing significant events and developments, the contributions of notable people, and important types of buildings and architectural styles. National Register listing can also help preserve these important properties through tax benefits, grant assistance, and protection from demolition or development.
National Register listing does not restrict a private owner's use of the property, unless development of the property involves federal funding, federal rehabilitation tax credits, or participation in some other federal program. There are no requirements for public accessibility, and information about sensitive sites can be restricted from the public.
The Department of Archives and History is the official State Historic Preservation Office in Mississippi and handles all requests for National Register information and assistance. Mississippi has more than 1,400 National Register properties, including archaeological sites, battlefields, bridges, buildings, cemeteries, forts, houses, and historic districts. For more information call 601-576-6940 or visit www.mdah.ms.gov.